This way you are only able to think about the larger shapes before getting too detailed. Tip 01: ResolutionĪ good way to avoid the lumpy look that sometimes occurs with hair is to start sculpting at a very low resolution and then subdivide gradually.

These techniques also assume the hair sculpt is either for physical reproduction or display purposes, hair systems and specific game engines are beyond the scope of this article.

What if your hair ends up looking like a blobby mess of spaghetti, how can you improve your technique? I've selected these 10 tips from my own experience with sculpting hair in ZBrush to help you choose the right tools and techniques for the job. Hair should be the crowning glory of all your pieces. Well sculpted hair can really make the difference between lacklustre and professional looking sculpts. Sculpting hair can be one of the most challenging tasks to undertake in ZBrush James Cain shares some of his top tips to help you create great hair